Installing Packaged Bees

  • June 19, 2017

Packaged bees require a certain level of care before they can be placed in a hive. Normally, if it is a warm day out - around 60 degrees or more with little wind and rain, you can get home and get right out to your prepared hive, shake them in and not worry about it. On days that it is…

Beehive Components

  • June 19, 2017

The modern bee hive is like a highly efficient multistoried factory with each “story” having a specific function. These “stories” work together to provide a home for bees and a honey factory for the beekeeper. A. Hive Cover – Telescoping cover “telescopes” over the sides of the top super to protect the hive. Galvanized covering. B. Inner Cover – Creates a dead…